WOD Boards

Have a gym leaderboard for each WOD (AMRAP and for-time) to motivate and encourage athletes to push harder.

PR Tracking

Each athlete gets a customized leaderboard tracking their progressions and PRs.

Competition Ranking

Convert ranks into points for a full competition across multiple events or workouts.

CrossFit Screenshot

The leaderboard keeps our athletes motivated and pumped to push each other that extra bit each morning.


Give your athletes the extra edge they need to push through the pain, and build your community through motivating each other to climb the leaderboard.

Each day put your WOD leaderboard on display on the gym wall and post workout results immediately to see leaderboard changes reflected on the wall (or your website).

Athletes can also monitor their own personal leaderboard showing their PRs as well as their full history of progress in each workout activity.

The leaderboard can also be used to convert competition ranks into points for an overall Crossfit Games style event.

Common Uses

  • Ranked Competitions
  • Crossfit gyms
  • Other gym types
  • AMRAP workouts
  • For-time workouts
  • Tracking gym records
  • Show athlete progress
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