Custom Scoring

Put down your pen and paper or spreadsheets. Hourly weigh-ins, two-day average, biggest fish? We can handle any scoring system you can dream up!

Live Data

Results are automatically pushed live to TV's and projectors at the event, mobile phones, and your website. No hassle!

Custom Look

You can customize our live results widgets to match your own branding to keep your message on target.

Fishing Screenshot

I was lucky enough to find the Leaderboard for our fishing tournament scoreboard last year. This type of online leaderboard is something I have been searching for for a long time. It has reduced hours of time spent trying to calculate results for our tournaments, and it's extremely easy to use!

Marie T - Big Bass Bash

Our leaderboard application takes all the hassle out of tracking results during your fishing event. Setup hourly weigh-ins and track anglers throughout the event.

Display live results on TVs or projectors at the event. Anglers and spectators can see the evolving results on their mobile phones. Live results are even pushed directly to your website.

All of this happens automatically as each fish is weighed. It is like magic, and will make managing your next fishing tournament a little easier.

Common Uses

  • Professional tours
  • Charity tournaments
  • Club competitions
Interested? There is no credit card required to sign-up!